Well, Since my last post I've had two bouts of bronchitus, a sinus infection, two ear infections and now...once again am coughing and starting a new cold. I'm almost ready to get blood work to see what or who is trying to kill me! Most likely it's the 42 four year olds that I teach. Yes, 42 of them!! I teach two sessions of preschool each having 21 four year olds in it. Training has been interrupted so much that I can't even say that I've started. I've been on the cross bike five times once was in a race which might I add I won. This win makes me the back to back NJ STATE CHAMPION...I really can see myself falling in love with cross if I could just stay healthy!
Cross is fun! Partly b/c I wear Bill's shoes which are two sizes too big...called the accelerators....and have no spikes, I ride a borrowed bike then brake the hanger on it and have to borrow another bike to race, it's short, it's muddy, lots of cowbells (from my entire family including Maddie, Bill, my sister and nieces from Germany and my Mom) and hot chocolate with whipped cream afterwards. Now who wouldn't fall in love!!
So...Pat Robertson says that Yoga is a sin! Hmmmmm......then I am confirming that I am a sinner. Yoga seems to be the only exercise that I've been able to do consistently since the off season began! I even stood on my head today! Now that feels good. Maybe Pat should try standing on his head for a while...a long while!